Man how do you folks not like Paula Deen? I love that lady. Guess you have to be of Southern roots to appreciate her and the cooking. I love her show the most because all of the food she makes has me drooling like Pavlov's dog every single time. And she looks like a genuinely nice and likable person.
Alton Brown is my food Sensei. If it's something I don't know how to make I go to see if he's got a recipe up on it or a show about it. You learn a ton and you are well entertained while doing so.
The only person on the Network that I really don't like is the Sandra Lee lady which looks more like an arts and craft show than cooking. And Jack Corigan. I hate ditzy blondes with a passion. I'm just waiting for her to turn on the blender and stick her hand in there she's that stupid acting. I say acting because I can't believe anyone is that retarded.