Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Is that the case? Or is it really an issue of the FACT that these numbers don't lie, and it stands in opposition to the false politically correct reality that many would have us believe?
Your numbers don't lie, but your interpretation of them leaves much to be desired. Association does not equal causality. That is a fact. The accuracy of your data isn't relevant because given that it is completely factual, it doesn't mean what you want it to mean.
I'm not arguing the accuracy of your stats, i'm claiming that they have zero relevance to any claim as to the righteousness or lack thereof of homosexuality in general, unless you want to make the claim that a person's lot in life is a direct reflection of their worth in god's eyes, i.e. Homosexuals are more prone to contracting the aids virus because they engage in behavior that is frowned upon by god. Is that what you're attempting to claim?