Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Well many will argue that it has. In fact, most scientists will. Hell, even the Vatican accepts it.
Many will also argue that you can't "prove" anything, but simply observe behaviour and/or results. There's not much you can say to that, other than you would be beginning to discuss the epistemological nuances of knowledge itself.
Mr Mephisto
Good sir, I for one do believe in evolution. However, Some scientests do not. In such an argument, I believe in both sides being fairly presented, then allowing the student to choose. High school and middle school kids are far better at making an informed choice than people give them credit for. I found the National Geogrphic artical "Was Darwin Wrong?" to be an increidable read that was highly educating in other theory's.
Mojo, you know what I'm going to say about that artical. It comes from a flawed source. The story commentor is neither a scientest nor anyone from the CDC. In fact that is just an opinion peice. And that last line, well I could just as easily say that a conservative christian is "broken" and it would carry the same weight of fact as his opiinions do.
Now of course, everyone would be up in arms if I made a billboard saying say, "Southern Baptists are broken.", but few flinch when a group like this calls homosexuals broken.
I think I should start writing op-ed peices for major newspapers that use the same tactic, but focus on disparrenging christianity. I suspect the reaction would be much different then.
"Pot, meet kettle."