Originally Posted by daswig
Ummm...dude.....the Party WAS the State.
Not before 1934 it wasn't. And the first rally took place in 1927.
And yes, even the League of German Girls was organized along paramilitary lines, and routinely marched in formation.
Which doesn't make them part of the "part of the state organism".
They were political rallies. They were propaganda exercises. Claiming that the League of German Girls marched in uniform does not make them "part of the state organism".
As for Organization Todt and similar groups, fer chrissakes, they even went as far as to have their own FLAGS made. Even the railway employees were issued military-style uniforms.
So what? The fact that they wore uniforms would mean, in your reasoning, that they were part of the state, when in fact they were just employees.
Mr Mephisto