Conflicting Outlook Express rules?
In outlook express I have several defined rules for incoming mail.
I have a "bad words" list that routes any email containing a word in that list to the trash.
I have a rule routing any email from a specific account into a folder.
I have a rule routing mail from specific people into specific folders.
Now the rule routing mail into a specific folder based on which account it's from works fine, but the bad words rule doesn't seem to be applied to any mail that follows the routing folder rule.
If I turn off the routing rules, leaving only the bad words rule on, then the bad words rule is effectivly applied to any and all incoming mail, deleting most of my spam.
Does anyone know how to get mutipule rules working together in Outlook Express?
Seen on an employer evaluation:
"The wheel is turning but the hamsters dead"
Is arch13 really a porn diety ? find out after the film at 11.
Last edited by arch13; 01-17-2005 at 12:24 AM..
Reason: added a sentance