Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Sorry, you're wrong.
Party members attended. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands of them. By 1938 nearly a million members of the party (not Government employees or members of the military or paramilitary organisations) travelled to attend the week long events.
How did the League of German Girls or the German Labor Front (for example) exist as "various arms of the State"?
Ummm...dude.....the Party WAS the State. And yes, even the League of German Girls was organized along paramilitary lines, and routinely marched in formation. Which makes sense, since they were part of the HitlerJugend. You remember the HitlerJugend, right? No paramilitary basis there, right?
Here's a regimental guidon from the League of German Girls:
Here's a company guidon for the League of German Girls:
And here's a pic of them meeting with Hitler...IN UNIFORM.
As for Organization Todt and similar groups, fer chrissakes, they even went as far as to have their own FLAGS made. Even the railway employees were issued military-style uniforms.