01-16-2005, 11:35 PM
#8 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
For the sake of argument...
AIDS rate for homosexuals climbs; data called 'astonishing'
Dec 2, 2004
By Michael Foust
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--New statistics showing that homosexual men make up 44 percent of all new HIV and AIDS cases underscore the fact that homosexuality itself is unnatural, a prominent leader in the ex-homosexual community says.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data Dec. 2 showing that the number of newly diagnosed HIV and AIDS cases has increased 11 percent among homosexual men. The data spanned a four-year period ending in 2003.
Despite the fact that homosexual men make up only 1 to 2 percent of the population, they nonetheless made up more than 40 percent of the new cases, the data showed.
Tim Wilkins, head of Cross Ministry, Inc. -- a Christian outreach to homosexuals -- called the data "astonishing."
"If homosexuality was normal and natural, you would not have a disease that spreads as ravenously as this does," said Wilkins, who is married now but once was involved in homosexuality.
Homosexual activists responded to the news by calling for better education and prevention -- for instance, the promotion of condom usage. But Wilkins said the problem can be found in homosexual sex itself. Men were not made to have sex with men, he said.
"All of mankind is physiologically heterosexual -- that's just a fact," Wilkins said. "One hundred percent of the homosexual community is physiologically heterosexual.
"We can throw more and more money, bigger budgets, bigger programs, more education [at the problem]. And we see that education is not correcting the problem at all."
For years, studies have shown that homosexual men are prone to promiscuity. A University of Chicago study released in 2003 found that 61 percent of homosexuals in Chicago’s Shoreland area had more than 30 sexual partners. Perhaps just as telling, some two-thirds of same-sex "marriages" in Massachusetts have involved lesbians -- underscoring, pro-family leaders say, the notion that homosexual men are less prone to commitment.
"[The CDC] statistic obviously shows a pathology that indicates an abnormality," Wilkins said. "From a Christian perspective we would call it sin."
Such statistics should result in the scientific community re-evaluating its position on homosexuality, Wilkins said.
The Christian church, though, should not respond by saying, "I told you so," Wilkins said. Instead, the church should respond with compassion.
"We can't allow sin in any form to repulse us from reaching out to people who are hurting," he said. "As horrible as AIDS is, it can be -- and I believe it is -- an opportunity for the church to reach people who are broken."
I'm of the belief that AIDS is not the bane of homosexuality, and that yes it is in extremely bad taste for these people to do it. But hey, maybe there is something to it, and you don't have to make it an issue of religion or god.
Also in light of the information put forth in the article, I think it would've been about 1million times better and legitimate if all mention of God and what is or is not natural be removed.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.