Originally Posted by daswig
Sorry, you're wrong. They were set up as a showcase of various arms of the State. If you weren't part of the State organism, you didn't get to go. And virtually ALL of the State organism was either military or paramilitary in organization and design. For example, the HJ, while technically a group for children, ran military training programs, kind of like JROTC, except a lot harder. Even groups like the German version of the Teamsters (the NSKK) were paramilitary, to the point that they issued them sidearms with a NSKK logo on them.
Sorry, you're wrong.
Party members attended. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands of them. By 1938 nearly a million members of the party (not Government employees or members of the military or paramilitary organisations) travelled to attend the week long events.
How did the League of German Girls or the German Labor Front (for example) exist as "various arms of the State"?
You may have had to be a member of the SS to march in the SS march... but that's kind obvious, eh?
Let me quote Adolph Hitler himself.
How can the peasent in his village, the labourer in his workshop or factory, the employee in his office - how can they all grasp the extend of the total result of their innumberable personal sacrifices and their struggle?
But once a year, on the occasion of the general display of the Party, they will stride forth as one from the modesty of the narrow existence go gaze upon and adknowledge the glory of the fight and the triumph!
... And when, during these few days, hundreds of thousands march once again to Nuremberg, and hence from all of Germany's Gaus an endless stream of warm life flows into this city, all of them... will be able to come to the same conclusion: we are truly the witnesses of a transformation more tremendous than any the German nation has ever experienced.
Speech by Hitler, 6 September 1937.
You may want to read Alan Bullocks
Hitler, A Study in Tyranny or the rather more recent
The Third Reich - A New History by Michel Burleigh. I can also recommend
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans. This latter title is the first of a planned 3 volumen history.
So, in summary, I'm not comparing Bush to Hitler. I'm not even comparing the inauguration to the Nuremberg rallies. I simply made a satirical comment. But I'm tired of you posting untruths as if they were fact and no one correcting you. To state that "If you weren't part of the State organism, you didn't get to go." is just wrong. It's untrue.
Mr Mephisto