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Old 01-16-2005, 08:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
Aid to Tsunami Victims II

It's really been interesting to watch this unfold. The tsunami victims seem to be a cause that all the liberals can really get behind. I saw Madonna and George Clooney parading their faces in front of the cameras just yesterday.

However, I have some questions.

1. What makes a tsunami orphan any more deserving of aid than a starving orphan in, say, East Timor? How much money has Australia sent there?

2. It is my understanding that President Bush is allowing donations made this year (2005) to be used for 2004 tax purposes. Does anyone else think that's a very dangerous precedent?

3. In another thread, I made the comment that we were called "stingy" by the UN. (You know, the organization that flew their flag at half-mast when Yasser Arafat died, but not when Ronald Reagan died.) Some of my words were:

"The point is that the US continues to donate money for aid, even to people who hate us. We are by far the most generous nation in the history of the world, and we still (back to the point of the thread) get dumped on, particularly by the UN."

Now my attention has been drawn to the following:

Thanks, now get out

Thanks For The Help...Now Get Out!
By Dave Gibson (01/14/05)

Tsunami-stricken Indonesia has now shown the world just how grateful they are, in light of the enormous amount of aid which they have received. The nation with the highest Muslim population in the world has given foreign aid-workers a deadline to vacate their country.

I believe that the incident speaks volumes to the kind of enemy we are facing in the War On Terror.

In a recent press conference, Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla told reporters: "Three months are enough. The sooner, the better. In the future, there will be no need for the foreign military presence."

In light of these incredibly ungrateful words, the U.S. has scrapped plans to set up a temporary Marine base in that nation. The Marines are part of an amphibious battle group which was sent to aid in the relief efforts. The USS Abraham Lincoln has also moved away from the coast of Indonesia. U.S. Navy helicopters were bringing in supplies to the hardest hit regions of that Muslim nation.

This ugly event is just another example of just how strongly the Muslim world hates the United States. The government of Indonesia would rather it's citizens die of malaria, than come to know the United States as anything other than the 'Great Satan.' How can we combat that kind of hatred with anything other than overwhelming military force?

Whether or not most Americans realize it...we are engaged in a Holy War. The war has been declared upon us and it would seem that our enemy is much more determined than we are. The Muslims turn American passenger planes into guided missiles, we send them food and medicine.

Shortly after the devastating tidal-wave hit Southeast Asia, the Israeli Army tried to send a number of troops and medical aid to Sri Lanka. Though the story was much under-reported by the mainstream press, the Sri Lankan government refused to allow the Israelis on their soil.

Those who simply fail to see how religious hatred toward Christians and Jews is a real threat to the West, should study their World War II history. The Muslim world of today is not so different from the Nazi Germany of the 1930's. Most of the world underestimated the threat that Hitler posed to the civilized world, until six million Jews were executed and Europe was living under Hitler's thumb. The Nazis, like the Muslims were driven by incredible hatred and believed that their cause was righteous.

The Muslim world is strongly united against the United States. We however, are a very divided nation. My wish for the new year is that the other half of America wakes up!
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