Just heard this, and I thought I'd share. J.J. Abrams (the creator of the show) and Michael Keaton (Batman) are friends, so Keaton got a copy of the script for the pilot episode. Keaton liked the script, and was planned to play Jack. But...in that early version of the pilot, Jack died off in the first episode. Apparently Keaton liked it because the main character was killed off in the first episode. When it was changed so Jack lived, Keaton backed out.
I'm still loving the show. This last episode may not have been the best, but I did get my dose of "WTF". Not because of Boone and Shannon being lovers (I thought that was obvious enough from prev. episodes), not because of her dying, then it revealed as a dream, but because when Locke asked him how he felt after seeing her die, he said "Relieved." I'm sure I had a "Huh?" look on my face after he said that. Something that a poster said earlier in the thread looks to becoming more and more evident after each episode, that the survivors were "lost" in civilization and are only finding themselves now thanks to the island.
I know I'm gonna keep watching.
Common sense is uncommon. Ironic, isn't it?