i have found straight down the hatch is the best way .... however i have found that this methord has some of the strangest side effects, my old drummer used to do some pretty strange things whilst under the influence of absinth.....
one time he thought that his dolfin eveready tourch was a video camera and he was trying to film a band (motormoth) with it! when their manager asked him what he was doing he promptly tried to show her the footage on the back of the camera, later that night he disapeared........ we later found out that he had left the venue and next thing he knew he woke up in his own bed with a broken nose and his mum telling him that he had tried to pay the taxi driver with bottle caps and lollies (he had no idea where they came from) ......
so the moral of this story is ...... ...... well there is no moral just enjoy the stuff.
oh yea, you can get it from most bottle shops ....