Originally Posted by OFKU0
Or when the entire world refuses to give a shit anymore and both sides collectively realize that after 3000 years, in awe and unbeknownst to them, they are no more special than any other culture on the planet.
Don't worry, I did not mean to single out the Middle East as far as poor behavior. I live in America, the giant ADHD troubled kid who is always pissing off everyone else and thinks he is the most popular. We live south of Canada, our own Lisa Simpson. They know they're better than we are but they'll never get the attention we get, so they make it cheaper to film movies and TV programs there. Our best friend, Britan, is the Millhouse of this disfulctional group. It tags along and, against it's better judgement, complies with America in it's hair-brained schemes. Each nation and area has it's problems, I was just pointing out that particular area.