How to format MP3s to be cell ring tone?
My phone (Motorola v400) plays MP3s as ring tones. I've downloaded some of the crap on Cingular's website as tones, and, while amusing, none of it really fits me.
So I have this song, Banana Phone, by Raffi... Using Logic for the file cropping and iTunes for the mp3 conversion, I've edited it down into what my phone says the mp3s are that it's using for ring tones [ 64kbps, up to 15 seconds long and 150Bytes]... emailed myself my newly edited Banana Phone song (I even took care to filter out low end frequencies), and it sounds like CRAP. not only that, the phone says it's 8kbps and some other audio format...?!
[/end ramble]
So to be short...
How can I edit and/or what are the requirements to have an audio file work as a ring tone in my Motorola v400 phone?
Thanks Much!