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Old 01-15-2005, 12:33 PM   #119 (permalink)
bad jane
i work in a hospital and one of my co-workers is a coffee fanatic, we'll call her mary. another nurse noticed that mary leaves her coffee creamer in the kitchen next to the coffee maker while at work and then takes it home with her every morning (we work nights). he started putting a spoon full of thickner (a powdery subtance that thickens liquids--the more thickner you use, the thicker the liquid becomes) in her creamer every time they worked together for about two weeks. now thickner isn't as effective in hot liquids as it is cold, so as long as she drank the coffee fast we knew she wouldn't notice. but one night mary came into work pissed. she'd gone home that morning and fixed herself some coffee. she got up to answer her phone and when she went back to her coffee it had cooled down and was rock hard. after thinking about it for a couple of minutes she figured out what one of her co-workers had done. i just wish it had happened while we were at work! seeing her face would have been priceless.

another one from work, we have bed alarms that we use on patients who aren't allowed up but get confused and get up anyway. they emit a loud, high-pitched beeping to alert us the patient is up. you attatch one end to the bed and the other end to the patient's gown and when they sit or stand up, the magnet connecting the two loses contact and sets off the alarm. well, mary has a nasty habit of nodding off while sitting at the desk working on her charting. one night while she was dozing, we attatched a bed alarm to her chair and clipped it to her clothes. when she finally got up about 15 minutes later she set off the bed alarm. scared the hell out of her and had her running circles around her chair trying to shut it off.

and there is the classic ky jelly on the phones thing. we got in trouble for that one morning though. someone had forgotten to clean up their prank before the morning shift arrived. one of the doctors came in, picked the phone up, had his ear and chin smeared with ky, set the phone back down and promptly walked over to the manager's office. funny only because i'm not the one who got in trouble for it!

one that i and some friends from work are currently working on is a fake engagement announcement. we have a friend who is dead set against getting married--ever. he's not currently dating anyone so we're working on an announcement to send it to the papers (complete with photo). doubt he'll see it, but we know he'll get questions from friends and family on it!

one i didn't do but lmao when i heard about it. a friend took a couple of ammonia smelling sticks (what you wave under the nose of someone who has passed out) and taped them to the bottom of another friend's gas pedal. when he hit open road and stomped the gas he busted the sticks releasing the ammonia odor. hilarious!
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