In my nightly trek through the wild and sometimes terrible jungles of the internet, I have stumbled across something that I feel I must inform you fellow adventurers of.
No, it is not lost treasures or exotic warrior princesses who are remarkably docile and disease free. Oh, but how I wish it was!!!
(please note that I have taken appropriate "steps" so as not to offened any "normal and perfectly non-freakish" readers out there in cyber-land. For those of you who do not offend please insert a suitable comment of your choice into the quotations.)
I have risked life, limb and eyesight (ok, so really only eyesight and the small part of my memory I will have to purge with a very strong tequila) to bring you this information! I have found what is quite possibly the strangest collection of "people" ever.
Not like the internet isn't full of them, but I had to search long and hard (kinda) for this "extra special" group.
Ok, so we all know about furries. Those "oh-so-cute" guys and gals that run around wanting to be something they aren't -just like the rest of the universe.
But these "fine" folk want fur also, so they get their own speical name, and in a few years, probably their own tax-deductable cult status.
Now this new group, while still a blossoming sub-culture, is "unique" enough that I decied it needed further study.
I "proudly" present to you:
boy·taur \'boi-tawr\ n 1 : a guy with four (or more) legs 2 : a guy with any of a variety of multilimb or other transformations 3 : a guy who enjoys the company of boytaurs, and is thus a boytaur in spirit
Now, most of these "sexually free" individuals choose to express thier "love for mythology" by creating fiction, art, and other "highly recommended" creative things about cetaurs. But there are some purisits out there who like nothing better than a "normal" four legged, two torsoed, six armed, heavily muscled and well oiled man.
Someday, someone will best me.
But it won't be today, and it won't be you.