i must be the only lolita in the group. i lied through my teeth when guys asked how old i was. when i was 13/14 i could easily pass for 18, even 21 wasn't difficult if i wore the right clothes and make-up. my lies were made even easier if i could convince someones older sister to back me up.
typically i would only do this during the summer months--when i'd play a college girl who'd come home for the summer or a recent hs graduate about to go off to college. it kept my flings to an easy time-line and gave me a built-in excuse to break things off before i had to go back to school and might get caught.
was i too young for the guys i dated? i don't think so, we got along and i learned a hell of a lot! and i don't mean just sexually, even simple things like how to walk side-by-side with a man without awkwardly bumping into him every other step.
i feel a little bad about it now, just because of the amount of trouble the men would have faced if i'd been caught. as it was, that didn't become an issue. if any of them knew or suspected at the time how old i was, i wasn't aware of it. and i only know of one who found out years later (and boy was he pissed...but that's another story).
i wouldn't encourage any guy to search out an underage girl just because they are literally jail bait. ignoring the law, are they are really too young? totally depends on the girl.