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Old 01-14-2005, 11:16 PM   #116 (permalink)
Future Bureaucrat
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Originally Posted by Food Reef

This subject is quite relavent to me as I (Caucasian British) live in a house with two other white guys, and we are all dating Asian girls. One native Taiwanese, one godknowswhat generation Indian (essentially Indian-British) and one second generation Hong Kong (my gf).

Contrary to this evidence, I honestly don't perceve a tendency towards "white male, Asian female" couples where I live at all. I see our household as a bit of an anomaly. There is a very large Asian population in this city (largest Chinese community outside of London) and thus when you walk around specific Asian districts you would very rarely see a resident interracial couple. I.e. I see loads of Chinese-Chinese or Indian-Indian couples every day and the Asian guys don't seem to have any problem at all.

Likewise, on my university campus I see many Asian-Asian couples, especially the overseas students, hitting it off together, presumably because they share a common language and culture. Disturbingly, there are many who attend and exhibit very poor English language skills and their academic performance suffers as a result... but that's a moot point. Obviously on campus there are a lot more interracial couples because of the huge melting-pot of cultures and backgrounds but I definately wouldn't say it was biased any way in particular.
First off, let me say, welcome to the forum, it's a really great place.

However, i would like to point out some things. You live in Manchester right? Apparently, there is a China-town there, and China-towns have historically been insulated. Thus, it would make sense that the couples in there are Asian-Asian. Furthermore, you say that overseas students are hitting it off easily...are you sure that they weren't together before? And what makes you think that someone who cannot communicate with someone else (because of language barrier) will be interested in a relationshp with them?

Originally Posted by Hanabal

She also thought that chinese were the superior race as had been taught to her at school, so that theory goes out as well. She has a chinese dad.

Infact she hated the british for attacking and ripping apart her country hundreds of years ealier, as taught her at school.
Don't you think those are overly broad generalizations? "Chinese are a superior race."

What you're basically implying here is that Chinese people are in essence, narrow-minded and dislike other races. You are also saying that because she "had been taught at school" that it was the only societal influence on her life. What about popular culture such as magazines, newspapers, movies? Wouldn't that have influenced her, perhaps, in a more subconscious way?

Nonetheless I'm glad that you are betrothed.

Originally Posted by countingsheep
i'm korean, and i have a russian boyfriend.. okay he's not russian he hates it when i say that, he's ukrainian but he SPEAKS russian. asians are really too cocky for me.. my dad once said to me "don't marry a korean guy, marry a white guy, they'll treat you the best" he said this to me when i was in 7th grade. he even said i can marry an african american guy if he treats me right! well MOST asians are really cocky and way too bold, i dont like that. i guess it's also really sterotypical of an asian to be with an asian, so i also prefer to break that. also my boyfriend is tall, i prefer tall guys, and most asians are short, so i guess that's also a factor.
It's funny you say that most asians are really cocky and way too bold. From what i've seen, asian guys tend to be subtle. And you're basically saying, "I'm dating a white guy to break the mold..." So you're supporting RAJC's theory of dating outside of a race to get the thrill....

P.S. Please do not regard these posts as flames, I am simply pointing out my opinions on previous points.

Last edited by KirStang; 01-14-2005 at 11:26 PM..
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