Her first album pissed me off (the singles that I heard anyway), but all of the singles from her second album are definitely respectable in my opinion. "Nobody's Home" is my favourite, and even better, I actually like her live versions (she did a live acoustic on her own of the aforementioned single on Much) much more than the super-produced record singles. On top of that, she's hot!
I prefer her over Britney, Cristina...etc. For the simple reason, and its sad to say, that she is a better influence on teenage girls than they are. Anyways at the same time she has no talent and behind the make up is not attractive. I'd say without the make up she's a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. She doesn't play guitar, she doesn't skate. She started off as a country singer and capitalized when it was "cool" to be punk although her music is pure pop and she "rebels" by doing everything she's told to do in order to make money.
I saw this and had to respond. First off, North American punk music is almost completely fashion-oriented and has nothing to do with
real (aka British) punk. She also plays guitar. I have seen her play guitar, as I watched her perform live (well, live on TV, but live nonetheless). I can't say for the skating or anything else, but I'm glad I haven't seen her wearing those ugly ass skate pants lately. Fuck those piss me off.