I had this past week's episode recorded and I just finished watching it. But it stopped recording the very end of the last segment.. I saw Boone and Locke talking about how his sister was ok and it was all a hallucination. Was anything important revealed, besides the fact that it was a halluciation? And was that the last scene of the episode?
But I agree that this episode wasn't all that great. Having Boone and Shannon be step-siblings / lovers is extremely contrived. I hate it when TV shows do things like that.... making a big revelation like that, only there's no indications from previous episodes that the writers had this planned. They just did it on a whim to make things dramatic. Oh well, such is TV
Originally Posted by Averett
And FIND CLAIRE! For fuck sake, did they just drop that storyline all together?
My guess is that the actress that plays Claire isn't available for the time being... I think they'll get to it once she can come back. At least I hope so.
Originally Posted by ergdork
But at the same time it seems like any serious resolution would pretty much require the show to take a whole new direction!
Yea, I get the same exact impression. Which makes me fear that they're either going to constantly tease us until the *series* finale, or resolve these issues in a way that doesn't really change anything. Either way... meh.