Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Talk to them before you meet them in person.
Rules should include
-How loud can you be and when you have to be quiet
-If you don't have similar taste in music, keep it down or use headphones
-Whether or not you can drink in your room, leave empties lying around, etc.
-How to signal to your roommate that you're busy fucking and they shouldn't come in (lock the door regardless of the signal
-Policies on having other people (freinds, SO's, etc.) in the room - time, duration, etc.
-Establish a quiet timefor studying separate from sleep time
-Neither of you can touch each other's stuff without permission unless you have to move it to get to your own sutff.
-How clean to keep the room and how to do that, you don't want dirty laundry lying aroun stinking it up
-Alibi list to use when one of you needs to prove to the cops that you were not at the scene of whatever you did.
There's a short list to get you started
That's a good list, but I think it should be pointed out not to start rattling off rules the first time you speak because you don't want to come off all tyrannical or anything. Be yourself and don't be afraid of introducing yourself to people. When I first became a dormer I had inhibitions (as did a lot) about stuff like that and I ended up not knowing people I could have been friends wtih, simply because neither of us took the initiative. So be the one to take the initiative, and things will go well.