i did the math off a film strip in preschool when they talked about the midieval origins of St. Nick.
"but...santa has to be 563 years old...MUMHP!"
The "mumhp" sound being the teaching placing her hand over my mouth before i killed Christmas for any of the other kids.
i've said before, and will again. i don't see the problem between fantasy and faith. give kids some credit in their ability to work things out...they do not need to be steered precisely. They are autononmous beings, and deserve to explore the world of ideas themselves. they will pick up on what you're serious about and what you're not.
be serious about the things that you want them to know that you're serious about.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16