Originally Posted by Averett
My friend in Lethbridge has been saying it's mighty cold out there. The car being plugged in thing is so foreign to me! I think it's just a Canadian thing
Yup, it's a Canadian thing, and if you ever find yourself up here (you will find yourself up here right?!?!), then you'll see for yourself.
As far as cold is concerned, we get this kind of thing for a few days every year in Calgary (quite close to Lethbridge, relatively speaking), but usually not for this long, or this cold.
We all pray to the Chinook gods right about now. If you don't know what a Chinook is, it's a warm westerly wind associated with a specific weather pattern that can change the termperature from -20 Celsius (another Canadiain thing to get used to
) to +10 or more in half a day! They are WONDERFUL!