IT seriously disturbs me that people consider the fourth dimension to be time. That is going to make the hypercube a very sorry object since for having the same difference as all the others we all the sudden have to jump to a fifth diemnsional object.
Yes time is a dimension, it is not necessarily The Fourth Dimension. It was the fourht to be discovered however. This is said because time, as all the other dimensions, is linear.
The extra dimensions being wound up is still very much a theory and is being beaten down a bit. The original problem which caused string theory is now the wave-particle theorem which is working with the theory of probability. The extra dimension are seen as teh flux and spin of sub-atomic particles, and perhaps a couple other things. They are simply dimensions on a sub-atomic level. So just like you can't see the movements of a particle of water, you also can't see how it spins and so forth.
There are also many dimensional theories, if anyone were to pick-up a discovery they had an article on it sometime ago which was actually mentioned on their cover. There are many multi-dimensional theories, some so big we can't see them and some so small we can't see them. However there is still another, perhaps we can't percieve them.
Hypercube definition- a hypercube has been played with for many years. We are still trying to unlock all the mysteries behind and hyperacceleration perhaps beyond. A hypercube is probably the simplest model of a 4-dimensional object. For those who bear with me I can give two ways of understanding this hypercube, of which the first I wil give here:
begin by imaging or drawing a point. This is a zeroth dimesional object as it supposedly has no width, height, length etc.. Now draw another point an easily replicatable distance away. Now connect the twin points (being of course the one duplicated from the original and the original itself). What you should have now is a line. an object which has 1-dimension, which is often called length. Next you should draw another line of equal length parallel to it (for those in higher mathematics, I am speaking in a simple cartesian co-ordinate system) connecting the twin point you will notice you have made a square. Now this is where artistic skill comes in, or perhaps a visual mind. Take the square and make a duplicate and connect the twin points. You will notice you have a cube. Now I suppose those who have caught on to the patter will realize the next step, duplicate the cube and connect it's twin points and you have what can be drawn and percieved by us as a 3-d shadow of a hypercube.
I would suggest reading flatland, if you have this may seem tedious: Some may consider this still simply 3-d, as would I. However this is not due to the concept but due to our own kinesthetic relationship with the things around us. This should be dificult to imagine and at best difficult to extend into life. However for lesser dimensions to can see why this would work. Say for example you were to draw a person or look at a picture, that could be said to be a two dimensional shadow of what we percieve as a three dimensional object. If you would like a better explanation or to explore the topic message or e-mail me and I would be glad to go through it with you or give you places where you might be able to explore on your own.
A good site to see the hypercube is I am actually still playing with it {;^)