Jonsgirl knows D&D, which makes her evil. Just ask that kid in Putnam county who shot himself in the head over a D&D game. Just ask the Dead Alewives, who are all out of Moutain Dew because of Jonsgirl. Just ask the EPA about the geek superfund site that Lake Geneva Wisconson has become.
I've seen the drafts Jack Chick has done of his Jonsgirl Strip and then discarded because she was too evil to be believable as an evagelizing tool.
I have plumbed the depths of FRPG. I have beheld the munchkins with their vorpal blades. I have Larped. I have grasped the essential, yet magnetic badness of GURPS, but never before have I seen evil like Jonsgirl that wasn't in fact, Jonsgirl.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.