An extremely rare exception. Those guys had somehow managed to buy over $5,000 worth of ( legal ) semi-auto weapons and convert them to full-auto ( illegal ) either by installing illegal conversion parts or by filing down the disconnectors within the action itself.
Weapons Used:
1 HK91 in .308, converted to full-auto with illegal parts. Semi-auto coast: $2000
2 Mak-90s; Chinese-made AK-47 copies in 7.62x39mm, illegally converted to full-auto by filing down the disconnectors. Semi-auto cost: $500 each.
1 Colt CAR-15 in 5.56mm, Converted to full-auto with a black-market Full Auto Fire Control Group. Semi-auto cost: $1500-ish
The illegal full-auto parts used to convert the HK91 and CAR-15 were probably quite costly as well, though I don't know exactly -how- costly.