Well, that isn’t really a great comparison, because if i remember correctly there is a law making it illegal to talk about killing the president even in jest. The 'slippery slope' is this, and it has shown many times before when there is a case with landmark ruling(look at how mucked up roe vs. wade is, the people on either side of the lawsuit cant decide which side they are on, let alone the government figuring out a definite ruling), once the constitutional barrier has been crossed, a precedent has been set, and it leads to abusive treatment of all of our rights. YOU may not mind your rights being trampled behind some thin veil of "for the common good" nonsense, the definition of terrorism (as per dictionary.com) is:
"The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons."
That sounds closer to what the US Government is doing by telling you it's okay to suck it up and hand over your rights than anything Al Queda or the KKK is doing(not that i would consider the KKK to be a 'terrorist' group, but fuck the semantics of it). And all I know is that I definitely do, and those old dead bastards that started this country probably did have something a little different in mind when they penned the constitution than a bunch of wishy-washy Bureaucrats who care more about money that the people and the beautiful foundation on which this country was built.