Originally Posted by powerclown
Assuming this is all on the up and up, and no WMD tied to the Hussein regime are ever again found - or are being looked for away from the eye of the media - what is the point of saying, in effect, that justification for this war is 'officially' faulty?
What's the point? Well, justifying people's opposition to it. Petty minded politics. Truth. There's lots of reasons.
Why announce this after 2 years of bloody warfare, after thousands from both sides have died? Why say this just as the wheels of progress are beginning to turn? Why does this need to be hammered home now, 3 weeks before elections, and in light of the massive reconstruction effort in the country?? So, Iraq will now possibly go ahead and be rebuilt, but only in spite of the reasons for rebuilding it? Maybe nothing positive deserves to happen in Iraq, the way this has been handled by the media, with it's Abu Ghraib's and it's killings of unarmed 'insurgents' in warzones.
I think I understand where you're coming from powerclown, and I actually agree with you. We can all argue about whether the invasion was right or wrong; well, it was obviously wrong. But the US (and Poland!) are there now, so it's time to get the job done as quickly and smoothly as possible. It's almost like "No point in crying over spilt milk".
The problem with Iraq is that it's turning out to be a real quagmire. When anyone warned about the lack of any strategy or compared it to Vietnam, they were ridiculed by the right-wing media and Bush supporters. I don't think anyone would laugh at that comparision again.
Do I think the US will be defeated in Iraq as it was in Vietnam? No. But I do think it will be forced to withdraw, leaving a ramshackle, besieged puppet regime tottering on the brink of collapse and descent into bloody civil war. To quote another proverb, "Better the Devil you know". Perhaps it would have been better with Hussein left in power, kept in check like a cages animal. Because, if the election is successful (or even semi-successful), you're almost guaranteed to see the Shi'te majority elect a religious government. And surely America can't object to the exercise of
freedom, and
democracy and
self-determination, can it.
Can it?...
It's a real difficult situation powerclown. And I feel for you having to support the Bush position, as any good man should support his leader. I'll finish with another quip. "You're damned if you do and damned if you don't."
So there's not much America can do but soldier on (excuse the pun), and try to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. No point in hanging around and dealing with your own mess, as it's going to be next to impossible to clean up properly. Hopefully this will discredit the chickenhawks in the Bush camp and dissuade any ridiculous plans or strategy with regards to military action in Syria, Iran or North Korea.
Funny how we don't hear much about the "axis of evil" anymore. I suspect they wish that speech had never been written...
Mr Mephisto