I love Christmas but I hate the hassle of all the decorations. Seems way over the top for one day. When you sit back and look at the decorations it seems like a pretty dumb idea to throw bulbs and shit on a dead tree and lace multicoloured light around the perimeter of your roof. To be honest I don't even care much for the big dinner either. I much rather spend the time with my family and exchange gifts. The gifts part is the only thing I really like about Christmas. Don't get me wrong it's not so much about the recieving but giving something to someone who may not have been able to work that wanted item into their budget. I think without all the decorations and huge dinners that it would remove some of the stress from the holiday. But I think every woman feels a certain amount of pride to have a nicely decorated house and feed her family and friends well. Kind of like an annual event to show off their talents ???