I'd rather go deaf. While it would suck to have either gone I think I could make it without hearing. I'm too visual of a person. I love the beauty of the world around me even on some of the crapiest days. I mean if I get bored enough I'll just spend hours starring at stuff. I could still watch my TV shows play my video games etc...
I love music as well BUT after nearly 27 years in the world I have built up a large store of music in my head. If I just REALLY had to "hear" music I can always just listen to the jukebox in my head. I just wouldn't be able to hear anything new.
Also there have been some pretty promising things going on in new age hearing devices so deafness could be a thing of the past in 20 years or so. I could go without hearing for 20 years as long as I kept my site. Lord please don't strike my deaf now or blind.