Mojo, please know that I am NOT trying to justify the KKK's existence. The organization as it stands was and still is a joke and insult to me as a Southerner. It is also important to note that while there is a history of violence, terrorism, and other rather unsavory problems with the KKK, there is also a history of them helping poor white people or white people encountering hardship. Does this excuse their other actions? Not even close. But I still maintain that there is similarity between the NAACP and the KKK in this respect.
And as others have said, the fact that you would have the government restrict them in any way (when they are not committing a lawbreaking act, of course) is appalling and frightening to me. What if I believed that you were promoting some kind of hateful propaganda? By your own voice, if you have some history of it, I should be able to get your rights pushed aside. This is an exaggerated example, but I think it gets what I'm trying to say across.