Originally Posted by Superbelt
Here's a novel idea, open the borders. Make immigration from Central America, specifically, easy. When that happens you get many positive things.
I agree with you mostly. I consider our diversity one of our greatest strengths. Most of our families (ancestors) immigrated from somewhere else. I love the idea that the U.S. is considered the "Land of Opportunity" by many people today and in the past.
My only reservation would be the cost of today's social programs. Many if not most of our ancestors came here speaking a different language and worked at very low paying jobs but they usually supported themselves. Their children picked up the language fast. It was usually the second generation or so that finally started to realize the "American Dream".
I guess I would want to be assured that folks couldn't just cross the border and expect to be taken care of by the government. Also the language problem in the southwest mentioned by others would have to be addressed.
From what I have read most illegals come here and work very hard for minimum wages usually under the table with no benefits. The legal immigrants I have met are just as or more patriotic than us home grown citizens.