Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Well since it is "right revisionist rhetoric" you could point me towards how it is so, bring something to the table that shows me the truth. Show me where the framers ever intended there to be this magical "wall of separation", tell why all of them were Masons, deists, and most importantly and overwhelmingly Christian; show me how Jeffersons idea of a contract government, how man being endowed by his creator, the author of nature and law, is flawed?
Annuit Coeptis
Well, one of the evidences that your source is flawed is that Roger Williams was not a Danbury Baptist. In fact, he lived over a century earlier and was only a Baptist for a few months.
There are a lot of things that are "not in the Constitution" verbatim but are definitely implied by the wording, for instance, "seperation of powers".
Another reason I know your source to be wrong is the suggestion that the triune goverment was inspired by Isaiah 33:22. I have read Madison's notes on the Constitutional convention and not a word suggests that any verse in the Bible inspired anything with regards to the founding and formation of the US government.
The burden of proof is on you, not me. I know that the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded upon the Christian religion. If you aren't aware of it too, it is hardly my problem.