Originally Posted by The Prophet
You are at the age when people no longer need their friends to define themselves and most are starting to concentrate on career, family and their own personal interests. Also about now, people are settling into a lifestyle because of greater self confidence. It is a natural progression. Trust that your friends likely feel some of these things also and while they may share your feelings they are further along in their understanding of self and place in the world, They are still there, just not as much or as often and you stilll have ties that bind you forever.
Wow, thanks for putting it this way. What you said makes so much sense to me.
Over the years I've lost a number of good friends. Sometimes they'd leave to a different country, promising to get in touch the moment they got there, and then they just don't. Sometimes people change friends, and you're on the recieving end of it, so to speak.
I've tried to do this forgetting friends thing, and I felt awful. I got into an argument with some people after becoming intimate with them, and I decided that it's time to go. It didn't work and I felt bad about it. I called back after a few months and apologized. They said it's okay. But we never got together again as friends.
The moral of this rant: this has to happen naturally, otherwise you won't be happy with it (at least in my experience). Also, once you start it, you can't stop it.