Originally Posted by la petite moi
I don't think anybody needs to announce their sexuality, like most have said here.
Not anouncing is hiding, in my opinion, if a person wants that by choice (i.e none of the others bees wax) than fine. However as soon as someone is constrained by society (robbed of a choice) I feel it comes near intollerance. The question is not if people should be open about these matters, but if they can (without being judged). Personally I feel that everyone should be able to be open about their sexual preference, because I do not care. However there is a restriction, the person in question should want it.
On topic: If you feel people will think less of you for being "different" to them, don't tell them if you want to keep the relationship. In the end it is (mostly) a small blip on the radar and will therefore not matter as such.