Questions about pregnancy
hey all, bit of a fright goin on here
Girlfriend just got her period 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. have done some research, and have figured out that pregnancy can still happen even with periods for a few months. We haev generally been pretty good about using protection, etc, yet there was one or 2 times where there was a tear in the condom, but the gf has always had her period. She has just recently started going back on the pill, but then as i was just told moments ago *Forgot to* for the past 2 days. She's pretty much sitting here, telling me these things as im typing lol :P So my question is, what is the earliest way of detecting a pregnancy? Blood test from a doctor? Will a test from the store do it? which one is best? What could be reasons for this sudden thing to happen so early? I read it could be due to heavy exercise, and she stated she over exasperated herself + has been extremely sick the past few weeks. Just wondering guys, any and all information / suggestions could be of help. She's going to take a morning after pill later on this evening just in case, and i'll make sure she doesn't *forget*. Thanks all!