Current status of the disgusting race:
Total promised to date: more than 7.33 billion dollars.
Amount of AID sorted by "% of GDP"
Column 1: Nation name
Column 2: Total aid (public + private, not including corperate)
Column 3: GDP
Column 4: % of GDP pledged and donated and loaned
Because of the interest, arab nations (which are mainly islamic) bolded.
Kuwait 100 35.37 0.280
Australia 918.4 518.4 0.177
Qatar 25 17.47 0.140
Norway 265.1 221.6 0.119
Netherlands 446.5 512 0.0872
Finland 88.1 162 0.054
Saudi Arabia 97.5 188.5 0.052
Canada 471.75 834.4 0.051
Sweden 144.4 300.8 0.048
Denmark 100.9 212.4 0.0475
Germany 1,071 2400 0.0446
Switzerland 131.7 309.5 0.0425
Taiwan 110 293.2 0.038
Hong Kong 57.5 158.6 0.0363
United Arab Emirates 25 70.96 0.035
Republic of Ireland 41.79 148.6 0.0281
Czech Republic 16 85 0.0188
United Kingdom 327.8 1795 0.0183
Singapore 15 91.34 0.016
Greece 21.3 173 0.0123
Japan 500 4326 0.012
Spain 73.13 836.1 0.0087
Italy 120.13 1466 0.0082
United States 865 10880 0.008
Belgium 23.68 302 0.0078
Portugal 10.45 149 0.0070
China 95.07 1410 0.0067
India 183 599 0.0031
France 54.84 1748 0.0031
And, so as not to undersell the importance of the larger nations, the 100 million+ club, sorted by total donated:
Entire EU 2,500+ 11000+ ??
Germany 1,071 2400 0.0446
Australia 918.4 518.4 0.177
United States 865 10880 0.008
Japan 500 4326 0.012
Canada 471.75 834.4 0.051
Netherlands 446.5 512 0.0872
United Kingdom 327.8 1795 0.0183
Sweden 144.4 300.8 0.048
Taiwan 110 293.2 0.038
Norway 265.1 221.6 0.119
India 183 599 0.0031
Switzerland 131.7 309.5 0.0425
Italy 120.13 1466 0.0082
Denmark 100.9 212.4 0.0475
No data for private donations from Japan is availiable on the wiki yet.