Originally Posted by Master_Shake
I've recently decided that's not very likely. I think what is more likely is that humanity would fracture into myriads of different groups all interpreting the aliens as different things, and war and strife might be even more prevalent than it is now. I don't think this is just because of religion's crazed hold on people's minds, but because it is simply in the nature of people to refuse to accept change.
You could very well be right. Our track record when cultures first mix is not very good. But if there is any chance these guys can answer some of the mysteries of our universe I hope I'm still around. Especially if they have managed to travel vast distances in their lifetime to get here.
I imagine most of the world would be in disbelief for a while. Hopefully humanity's reaction to them would not cause too much strife and turmoil. At least not until we have had a chance to ask them a few questions. I have always assumed that any advanced alien life would be willing to share their knowledge. That may be naive. Of course it's also naive to think we will make contact any time soon, LOL.