Originally Posted by Yakk
I do not understand how the ethnic diversity of the USA is at all relevant to this thread?
Because unlike many countries throughout history our ethical diversity has influenced our culture and decision. Many technologocical leaps and bounds in our history is made because of the culture and background of the person.
It's well known of asian reverse engineering, german technology, and the various work ethic of those culture. Given the mix of the population and also the amount of natural resources the United states had, we would of been actually probably pretty high in the technology department. As we grow up, those influences affect our point of view. Even simple things as Patriarchal, Matriarchal society effects our outlook. We will still have that in America in the 1940's.
Dispite what people think, the foundation and geography of the United states is an amazing one. With a large natural defense (our oceans) we wouldn't have the problem of internal development which countries like those in Europe had. How many times in history has a country reached such a societal high only to be sacked by it's neighbor. I actually think a closed America would be stronger and more militaristic then what we have now.
With closed borders, our people would of been bred and born on the ideal that our country was strong and not in need of those on the outside. Because of that, population outlook on military endeavors would be look at with Pride and earnest. Conquest would be great because well, we were forcing people into our superior will because well we don't care about what other countries think. Unlike the Japanese though during that period in which the kicked out outsiders, the US would of turned into a monster because we had the resources and knowledge to develop the wheel into one capable of dealing death and destruction while also not lying to ourselves about our ultimate capability.
I will not lie to you, the US was given a damn nice stack of cards. If we became a xenophobic and closed nation after War World II, about this time (2005) I would honestly say about half the world would be bleeding our doctrine.
Have a broader population base would help us reach inside innovations faster, but having the foreign policy we have now, and the contact we have has made the United States more open minded and mature.
Now though and issue we have here is the other side of my speculation. How can a country who doesn't care outsiders even worry about War and conquest of a foreign country? Well I think it's pretty obvious that if someone is born inside a country, bred into it's doctrine, they can be pretty fanatical. I will make many people laugh because I can honestly say that that's how many conservatives are. I know I am. I am almost blindy pro-american sometimes it's not even funny.