Originally Posted by alpo
How much tail do pro athlete's get? Is there any truth to the stories of athletes having different women in each city they visit?
If it's all true, maybe there's still time for me to work on my marbles game. I hear the marbles groupies are a real wild bunch. 
Alright, I've been gone for a little while and now I'm back. I apologize for not getting to these sooner.
Pro athlete's can pretty much get as much tail as they want as long as they don't look like tyrone hill. There are a few reasons for this and I am making broad generalizations that tend to hold true for the entire population:
1. Personality: We are a confident lot and we're not afraid to approach women. Sometimes we hear no, but more often then not, we here yes when asking for phone numbers and dates.
2. Pimp Juice: Being a pro athlete is a cool occupation and some chicks kind of get off on that by itself.
3. Darwinism: Being extremely athletic makes an average looking guy a little more attractive to a woman because she knows he has good genes.
4. $$$: Chicks love it and we have it.
5. Bodies: Even if a guy doesn't have a great looking face, there is no way you can run around 4 hours a day and mantain a pear shaped body. Girls like fit guys.
Yes, there are lots of guys in the NBA who have girls in each city they visit. As reported, most of those guys are dogs.
Marble groupies, haha, you're a funny dude....Girls like a sense of humor too!