FIRST AND FOREMOST TAKE A SAFETY CLASS!!!!! That said, its the best investment you can make, they train you alot in what to do and what NOT to do in an emergency situation, has helped me out already numerous times! For a starter bike I recommend a 500 ninja, why you ask? Because it has enough power to be fun and go up to 120 yet its not too much where you are scared, the sv I think is an okay choice, it has alot of torque and can lift the front end quite easy say if you accidently pop the cluch or accelerate way too hard, hell my friends bandit 600 does that. As for safety equipment, get something with Armor for sure, I have a Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket, its a ballistic mesh jacket that I wear out here (california) due to the hot weahter, it has armor all over and double armor over the spine, its a great jacket and only runs about 80 bucks, I always wear boots, gloves, jacket, and jeans. Motorcycle arent dangerous if you know what you are doing and never assume what anyone else is going to do. ALWAYS RIDE WITHIN YOUR COMFORT and ALWAYS RIDE LIKE YOU ARE A GHOST TO EVERYONE ELSE! BUt again i Highly recommend an ex500, its what I have and its been a blast to learn on and ride! And get something used, its 99% likely you will drop it and Plastic aint cheap!
Twist of the wrist