How did you learn to read?
There are two signifcant ways of learning how to read: phonics and iconography. Phonics is when you memorize the sounds of individual letters and fragments of words and certain rules (like a silent 'e' at the end of a word usually set off the previous vowel to its hard sound). 80% of english words follow 'rules', the rest you just have to memorize.
If you learned through the iconographic approach, which is basically memorizing what the word looks like, then you probably aren't a good speller. This approach has been blamed for the growing rate of illiteracy in America during the 20th century.
Also, listening to music or speech while sleeping has been linked to illiteracy. There was a CIA experiment called MK-ultra that discovered this problem. The subjects were sedated and forced to listen to commands and 'suggestion' and once the experiment was over, the subjects couldn't read anymore.
Last edited by EULA; 01-11-2005 at 10:14 AM..