Originally Posted by Rinndalir
Classic psycho-chick behavior right there, I know because I used to date them exclusively. At first she's all over you, planning your wedding and what you'll name your kids. Then she backs off because she needs "space" (which usually means she has a new boy toy she wants to play with). A few months and she'll be jumping you again, after she's tired of her new plaything, and that's when you have to be strong and tell her to take a hike.
How old is this chick? I'm guessing around 20. She's immature and probably messed up in the head (clingy, controlling, thinking she has to play head games), and she definitely doesn't know what she wants. Which is fine for that age but I wish I had had someone to tell me to not go back to a girl or get hung up over her when she does something like this, back when I was in college.
Cut your losses, move on, have fun. Watch out for the warning signs from now on though, any girl who starts planning weddings and naming kids after a few months is usually bad news.
Went through that exact same shit with my first girlfriend(I wasn't her first b/f though). She also tried to get back with me a few months after she broke up with me but only after finding out I had a huge crush on some other girl(A girl I admit I had been crushing on while I was with her). She asked someone to call me outside than said "I know you have a huge crush on (name) and that kind of made me realize that I still love you and I was wondering if you wanted to get back together?" I felt bad but I just looked at her and said "No" Kinda her fault though she treated me like shit after she broke it off with me. She did imbetween class periods. She basically said "I think we need some time apart..some space." I said "Does this mean you want to see other people?" And she said "No I don't think I'm ready for that yet." and by the time I had gotten out of my next class every guy I knew came up to me and said "Hey man I heard (name) broke up with you." See that didn't sound like a breakup to me..it sounded like time apart..implying that we were still a couple just taking a break...But she told everyone she broke up with me and that upset me..I asked her about it and she put on a scene in front of the whole class crying and everything. Started telling all the girls in the class "Isn't Cris an asshole?" and really pissing them off. Also after she asked me back out she started telling everyone that she only wanted to get back with me because she never got to have sex with me. Thats pretty fucked up if you ask me. I fooled around with her once or twice after that but called it quits on her. My guess is when she broke up with me she expected me to come crawling back to her and beggin her to take me back. A pretty stupid game she tried to play on me and it didn't work. I prolly treated/would have treated her better than any other guy she's gone out with since.
Definitely move on. That girl needs to grow up a little. Possibly she'll go out with some other guy strictly for lust and then try and see if you'll take her back. That'll be up to you to decide though if you want to you can take her back or you can't...If ya really do like her though try not to make things bitter or weird if you do break up and still be nice to her that way in the future when you're both a little wiser if you want to get back together there won't be any wounds to patch up and it'll just happen. Ya know?