[QUOTE=Shpoop] The data will not be used against you, and in fact will help you very much, if you have not broken the law. If you have broken the law, it is you job to tell the truth about it, and frankly, very few do anymore. QUOTE]
This is because most traffic laws are outdated, overbearing, and just simply stupid. I'd say about 60-75% of drivers speed, especially on the highways. Loads don't use turn signals. You see all sorts of "illegal" behavoir (even from cops) on the road - and it's because the laws simply are no longer in compliance to our technology and lifestyles any more.
The guy that plowed into the chicks that pulled out in front of him - yea, he's guilty, but the speed had nothing to do with it. If he was going 25mph and hit them, he'd still be equally liable. You must remain in control of your car, regardless of circumstances. Your speed should be dictated by your ability.
-Now, if we'd have auto-piloted cars like in the movies, that'd be so much better...
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."