I think you people expect too much from your professional athletes. Celebrations have become part of the game, deal with it. It is just an extension of the extreme self importance of everyone involved with the sport. I think most football t.v. announcers a morons, but it's part of the game. I think pouring gatorade on a coach, especially in green bay in january, is a little silly, but it's part of the game. I think if bret farve turned out to be a child molester most national sports journalists would still have a hard time not hanging off of his nuts. It's stupid, but it's part of the game.
The point is that, unless you're going to stop watching football all together, you should stop acting shocked and dismayed but something that has been a part of football for decades. If i may borrow the phrase: Act like you've seen it before. Because you have. And you keep coming back for more.