Originally Posted by frogza
This morning a guy called me to tell me he wouldn't make it in to work today. I asked why and he told me that his ten year old son was attacked by his neighbors chinchilla. For those who don't know what a chinchilla is, it's a small rodent that's like a rabbit, only smaller. I asked him how it happened, he told me that his son was waiting for the bus and the chinchilla must have jumped the fence and just attacked his son.
At this point I was trying not to laugh. I said"I thought they were pretty docile."
He answered "Yea, but my neighbers are real jerks, they probably tease it a lot and made it mean"
This guy was doing his best to sound alarmed and insisted that he needed to get his son to the hospital. I told him that I was fine with him staying home, but that I wanted him to google chinchilla before he came back tomorrow.
So what creative or just plain dumb excuses have you heard, or given to get out of work?
Maybe his son is stuart Little -- then the chinchilla could do some serious damage... I had a chinchilla once... damn thing couldn't jump out of it's cage... The jumping the fence is where he took the story into -- no freakin' way.... otherwise I might go with rabid beastie (My chin used to bite when he was annoyed, and he would draw blood too -- had damn sharp teeth)
Back when I was a retail store manager, I managed a union shop, so it was very difficult to unload problem children, the union would fight terminations, so it was just too difficult to fight the union, a lot of the employees knew that, so we'd find ways to get around the union to get rid of people. I had one girl who used to call out every other Saturday wiht really bad cramps - ooooooh she was in pain... yah whatever - strap on a heating pad like the rest of us... finally, after this chick getting her period every other week, I told her I was very concerned about her health, what she was experiencing wasn't normal, and she better go to the doctor immediately to get her checked out. Oh, and I wouldn't let her come back to work until I got a note releasing her from the union doctor. Never did get that release from her.