I'm still on the antibiotics. No alcohol till I'm better, of course.
The pain finally subsided around Saturday. The codeine helped a lot. The recommended dosage was 1-2 teaspoons every 4-6 hours, but because the pain was so intense, I had to up it to 2 tablespoons. I told the doc this and he said it was okay - not recommended, of course, but whatever works.
As for the pain itself... it was deep. I felt it in my jaw, my ears... I couldn't turn my head. Even moving my tongue in my mouth was unbearable. If I laid down, my head just throbbed, my ears rang, and it sucked ass.
He called in a refill for the codeine that thursday, but my insurance had a hissy fit and wouldn't cover it until saturday. They said, "there's no way you could've already used what was given to you on tuesday." So when the codeine ran out, I borrowed some vicodin from a friend who recently had a kidney stone.
I know people think vicodin is overkill, but it worked and that's all I care about. When I didn't have the codeine, the vicodin worked wonders (and lasted much longer!) I had 4 that day (thursday) and let me tell you, the pain was completely gone ALL day long. Still swollen, of course, but at least I could sleep and actually had the urge to get things done that needed to get done! With the codeine, it wore off after about 4 hours.
I'm not a doctor, but I do know when I'm in such incredible pain that I need SOMETHING so I can at least sleep and go about my day! It's just odd how docs will dish them out to people who don't really need them, but are hesitant when people DO need them. It was like pulling teeth to even get the codeine and that BARELY worked!
"Oh, you sprained your toe? Here's 50 vicodin."
"Oh, your throat is so swollen and sore that you can't sleep or eat? Here's some mild topical anesthetic that will last a whopping 15 minutes."
Anyway... my throat is still a bit swollen, but the pain isn't anywhere close to what it was last week. Things are getting better, but slowly...
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 01-10-2005 at 11:36 AM..