I think they should fine moss as soon as they start fining and removing fans who have a tendency to do things that are a great deal more offensive than pretending to moon someone. I guarantee that whatever moss did was the result of 3+ hours of putting up with drunk belligerent witless taunting from any one of wisconsens finest. More often than not, moss celebrates his touchdowns by giving the ball to one of the handicapped fans who get seats near the endzone or by jumping into the stands. I've never heard an announcer mention anything about something like that, though. I wonder why?
I know i'm not the first person to say it, but i find is especially ironic that a FOX commentator would find something like this in bad taste. Hello? Temptation Island? Who's Your Daddy?
I think, despite how the media tries to portray him, moss is actually seems to me like a pretty decent guy. I think most of his controversies are the result of him being too honest for his own good. Maybe he realizes the complete absurdity of his situation and enjoys sitting back and lauging at all of the people whose attention he can capture with a simple g-rated gesture.