When I was 6 I was riding my bike and racing my neighbor friend. I turned to see how far ahead I was and ran smack into a telephone pole. I don't actually remember anything after looking back but considering witness reports and where I was when my parents saw me I flew about 6 feet backwards off of my bike and hit my head on the curb. Cracked my skull and gave myself a concussion and black eye. The Black eye left a large red dot below my eye until I was 12.
Then when I was 19 I worked at a clothing manufacturer - Worst job ever I may say. Was sewing on an industrial machine and sewed right through my pointer fingernail on my right hand (I'm right handed too). I was moving fast so I nailed it 3 times before the needle broke in me. I pulled it out bandaged it up and went back to work. When I went home my parents insisted I go the the Dr. Surprisingly enough I still have my nail and you wouldn't know anything happened except the nail is a little concave. The thing bled like it was an artery and took over a year for the torn up part to grow out. Otherwise I haven't gotten anything serious though I've been tremedously stupid at times. I've just been real lucky.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.