Thread: God vs. Santa
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Old 01-10-2005, 05:38 AM   #28 (permalink)
Location: San Marcos, TX
First of all, I like this thread (and board for that matter). I like how a seemingly silly topic is discussed in depth and with respect for other members, and it's not so silly after all. Kudos!

I think it is interesting that the idea of Santa originated from a religious person. Saint Nicolas (300 AD in present day Turkey) grew up poor but gave gifts to all those in need, especially children. At 17, he became a priest, and was eventually elevated to the status of bishop, who wears long flowing gown, white beard, red cape and miter hat. See the similarities? Only after the death of St Nicolas was he elevated to sainthood. I think the similarities between god and santa are apparent to us because they are both associated with the church and have the same sort of central theme: Be good and you shall be rewarded.

However, I don't think religion was originally formed to keep people down, rather to keep people up. Before truly civilized societies, when people had to fight the elements/nature on a daily basis, religion (belief in higher being) was formed to comfort and bring order to society. It was formed to create order in a chaotic and scary world (I think this a Freudian idea). I then think people realized the power that was vested in this system, and the stronger/ambitious/wiser individuals climbed up the hierarchal ladder to gain power, some of whom were corrupt. Thus the religion we know today.

It is a whole lot easier to believe that someone is out there watching us and protecting us rather than believe that we could perish as soon as we step out the front door.

MacGuyver: The problem giving our kids truths is that there are few that many people agree upon, and those that we can we don't want to tell to children. It is easier to provide comfort to a child (provide pre-fab stories) rather than tell them how the world is cold and dark and full of mean people who are out to get you.
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