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Old 01-10-2005, 01:49 AM   #11 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I am what you would call "sexually ambiguous"--you can read what you want into that. Most people try and fit me into a slot of heterosexuality or bisexuality but that, to me, is not what sexuality is about--it's about freedom of expression.

That said, you have the right to tell people if you so desire to. I've only broached the topic of my own sexuality with my parents when the topic came up. I've pointed out to them a couple of times that I don't think you fall in love with body parts. They're very accepting of my attitude. So I think if it falls naturally into the path of the conversation, say it. You'll feel better about it, even if the reaction isn't the one you want.
Thank you onesnowyow for your input. Yes, that is how i feel . . . love/sexuality isn't about gender, you can let a person into your life and share and learn. That is lovely to hear that they are so accepting . . . I hope that my family/friends can be as open minded . . . But i certainly feel a pull to tell them something i have been hiding my whole life. . . .
thank you again . . .

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